
1st place
Black and White
CCSD Photography Contest 2014
The picture to the right was awarded first place in the black and white category in the 47th annual CCSD photography contest. This year, there were over 1,600 entries in the contest. This picture, along with the first place winners of the other five categories, is on display in the lobby of the Vegas PBS building.

Best of Show,
Judges Choice
MVHS Student Show 2014
The picture in the bottom right recieved recognition as the Best of Show in Moapa Valley High School's Student Show, 2014. It is on display in the front office. The photo above it was awarded Judges' choice the same year.

CUE Nevada 2014
2nd Place
Digital enhanced photo
The photo to the left was awarded 2nd place in the digital enhaced photo category at the CUE Nevada Multimedia festival in 2014.
Outdoor Photographer Photo of the Day
on June 26, 2013, this photo was selected by Outdoor Photographer Magazine as their photo of the day. Unfortunately, soon after submitting it, my external hard drive crashed as I was transferring the picture file to a different computer. Since I had not yet backed it up, I lost all the pictures from that trip, inlcuding this one. I recovered this copy off of Facebook.
Follow the link below to see it on Outdoor Photography Magazine's website:

Popular Photography Your Best Shot
Every month, Popular Photography Magazine has a contest entitled "your best shot." The idea is to submit the best photo you have taken that month. The editors select their favorites as finalists and then choose three to be published in the magazine. The picture to the left was a finalist in June of 2013
Follow the link below to see it on Popular Photography's website:
Clark County Fair 2014
The fair was interesting this year. I did not expect this picture to do as well as it did when competing with the other pictures that I submitted. This won a champion and a best of class ribbon.

Clark County Fair 2013
The photo to the left was awarded best of class and champion ribbons at the clark county fair in 2013.
CUE nevada 3rd place
The photo to the right won 3rd place in the digitally enhanced photo category at the 2013 CUE Nevada Multimedia Festival.
It also won best of show at MVHS's student show that same year.
To see it on the CUE website, copy and paste the URL below into your URL bar: