When you hire a photographer to take your pictures, he/she does a lot more than just take pictures for two hours. Work is done and time is spent behind the scenes. The fees cost as much as they do because you are paying for:
1. The photographer’s time and energy
Not only does the photographer spend time taking and editing your pictures, he also spends time: meeting and communicating with clients, uploading pictures to the computer, organizing the pictures, managing equipment, ordering and picking up prints, marketing, and miscellaneous tasks such as answering your questions. It has been said that being a photographer is less than 10% photography. The rest is running a business. If pricing only accounts for the time spent taking pictures, then the majority of a photographer’s work is not funded.
2. The Photographer’s skill, knowledge, and Artistic Vision
Anyone can take a picture, but not everyone can be a photographer.
3. The Photographer’s equipment
Equipment is very expensive. Hiring the use of expensive equipment costs money.